Cat Ladies in Rome: The Gattare

August 04th 2011 by Giulia
Lazio | Roma


Photo Credits: Flickr - Flickr - Flickr

The Wiktionay describes the Gattara in this way: “Person (female) who feeds stray cats”.
Being a Gattara is more than a hobby; it is more similar to a mission! Gattare don’t have a distinctive profession or a particular living area. They are women who consecrate part of their time to nurse and feed alley cats. The most popular Gattare are the ones in Rome. Among ancient ruins and antique columns, hundreds of cats wander incurious, mindless of the historical and cultural treasures around them. They are become very popular: when in Rome, you can also buy the Calendar with the cats of Rome.

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  1. Cynthia says:

    Was recently in Rome and purchased a lovely wall calendar of cats in many of the famous locations. Would really like to get another one. Can you suggest how I could do that? Thanks, Cynthia

  2. Giulia says:

    Hi Cynthia! I've made a short research and found this website of a library in Rome:

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Cat Ladies in Rome: The Gattare