I wanted to be a painter, I became Picasso

October 14th 2011 by Katie

Pablo Picasso exhibit in Pisa: you have still time!

Pablo Picasso is in Pisa until January 29th 2012. An exhibit is taking place at Palazzo Blu which started on October 15th. The purpose of this exhibit of Picasso is to bring the artists whose backgrounds, culture and growth evolve around the Mediterranean ambiance. Picasso was chosen of his struggle against the history of art and his attempts to create highly creative shapes which were never seen before.

Pablo Picasso, Pisa exhibit 2011-2012Pablo Picasso, Pisa exhibit 2011-2012Credits: Homolaicus

“I wanted to be a painter and I became a painter”: Picasso was quoted by his fiancée. This quote was what inspired the Palazzo Blu Foundation to display his work.

Pablo Picasso Palazzo BluPablo Picasso Palazzo Blu Credits: Il Tirreno

The halls of the Palazzo Blu along the Arno River has 200 works of art on display. Which includes paintings, ceramics, drawings and works on paper, some famous series of lithographs and etchings, books, tapestry. These works of art will bring to life how his will and determination of becoming a painter in Barcelona gave him what wanted in the end. To be recognized as a painter. With his creative genius ability, he continued to manifest himself into a prominent painter and artist.

Pablo Picasso, Three musiciansPablo Picasso, Three musiciansCredits: Art Teraphy Blog

The focal point of this exhibition is an extraordinary and unique collection of 59 linout which belong to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. The timeline of when these works are dating from 1901 to 1970.

The cost is €9.00 to enter and the hours are Monday to Friday from 10 am to 7 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm.

BLU | Palazzo d’arte e cultura
Lungarno Gambacorti 9, Pisa
Tel.: +39 050 916 950 mail: info@palazzoblu.org

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I wanted to be a painter, I became Picasso