Siena: the Land of water

December 06th 2010 by Giulia

Today we have the pleasure to present you Sarah Scott, who writes about one of the most popular Tuscan cities: Siena. Welcome, Sarah!

Siena, amongst the most important Tuscany destinations, is a famous place with an illustrious past.

Credits: Flickr

Perhaps you have already walked through its streets and crossed the countryside, either on foot or with the imagination.
The wealth of history will have revealed to you its glory, both past and present, through the mythology of the palio and the contrade, the fascination of solitary churches and unique cycles of frescos; but also with the intense flavour of traditional food and famous wines.

Credits: Flickr

Together with all of this there are other marvels, perhaps less well known, a history that is only apparently secondary that can be discovered through the water.

The water in the Land of Siena represents a fresh viewpoint, rich in stimuli.

Credits: Flickr

The fountains, for example, are manifold but all of them unusual, sometimes monumnetal, a few are fortified to defend a precious blessing.

Credits: Picasaweb

Water is an irreplaceable good in search of which the Sienese people dedicated resources and energies from the very beginnings of community life.

From the drinking fountains of the contrade – used for baptisms and for consecrating eternal allegiance – to the elegance of Fontebranda, and even the sculptures of Jacopo della Quercia in the Central Gaia fountain, marking the joy of arrival of water in the town.

About the author: Sarah Scott has been working in Tuscany for two years, in tourism field. She writes for a blog dealing of Italy destinations,

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Siena: the Land of water