Trail Running/Eco marathon in the land of Chianti, Tuscany

September 23th 2010 by Giulia

Take part to the IV edition of the eco marathon in Chianti region: October, 15-16-17 in Castelnuovo Berardenga

The land of Chianti, TuscanyThe land of Chianti, Tuscany

The eco marathon in Chianti means 42 and more Km through the enchanting Tuscan vegetation, among vineyards, olive trees and cornfields. It’s a good opportunity to know Castelnuovo Berardenga, another piece of the puzzle which confirms Tuscany to be one of the most beautiful Italian regions (Florence is, in fact, the first one on my top-10-places-to-see-before-you-die list!)

The land of Chianti, TuscanyThe land of Chianti, Tuscany
Credits: Castel Monastero

Wikipedia describes Trails Running as “a variant on running that differs markedly from road running and track running. Trail running generally takes place on hiking trails, most commonly single track trails, although fire roads are not uncommon”. Trail running is particularly popular in the UK and in the USA. Italy has developed an own form of trail running, which counts a marathon route (42 Km) surrounded by nature: the Eco marathon (eco maratona). A real eco marathon circuit  has grown and the marathons take place in some of the most beautiful natural parks of Italy.

Next eco marathon will take place in Castelnuovo Berardenga, Siena. The route will develop through the Chianti region, popular for its superb red wine well-known all over the world.

Don’t you feel enough fit to take part to the eco marathon in Chianti? No problem at all: you can choose the eco passeggiata (eco stroll, 10 Km). Two different routes that cross their paths at the charming Borgo San Giusmé.

Borgo San GiusmèBorgo San Giusmè

The Comitato which organizes the eco marathon also run “Domenica in Chianti” (Sunday in Chanti) on October, 18. This festival allows the participants of the marathon to visit the surrounding castles and wine cellars, as well as (in the afternoon) to stroll in the street markets offering local and artisanal products. Various charitable initiatives are also provided during the festival.

What do you think about Chianti eco marathon? Did you already take part to one of them? Share you experience with us!!!

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Trail Running/Eco marathon in the land of Chianti, Tuscany