Vasanello: Did you know the lovely legend of the bottle?

June 02th 2011 by Giulia
Lazio | Roma | Vasanello | Romantic

Many years ago, in the small village of Vasanello (about 30 Km from Rome), there was a pretty tradition linked to the Feast of St. John (June, 24th ). The evening of June 24th, the girls of marriageable age used to put some water in a bottle and then to let fall an egg white into it. Before going to bed, they put the bottle on their windowsill.

Credits: Flickr

The next morning they just had to indentify their future husband’s profession according to the shape of the egg white. If it had become a hoe, the future husband was to be a farmer, and so on. In this way, the girls could associate the resulting tool with some guy running after them, and discover the identity of their future bridegroom...

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  1. [...] Legend has it that every time someone tried to move his corpse off the island, a violent storm would break out, preventing navigation around the island. Only San Domino and San Nicola are inhabited, although it is possible to visit the other three small islands by boat to take advantage of the rugged scenery and the outstanding scuba-diving available in the surrounding waters. [...]

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Vasanello: Did you know the lovely legend of the bottle?