Local Expert: The third Charming Certificate 2013

June 11th 2013 by Silvia

“Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy”.
Bertrand Russell

Local Expert: The third Charming Certificate 2013 Local Expert: The third Charming Certificate 2013

Photo Credits: afafabduljalil

So wrote Mr Russel a few dozens of years ago. Italy was different, the world was different, the way of travelling was different.  And yet, some things have not changed.
Maybe the colors, the food, the Italian way of living or simply the smells. Something remained the same if lots (and we say: really a lot!) of people all over the world have decided to write about Italy.
Each of them has been captured by the essence of a region, of a city, of a way of celebrate the joy of being part of a community, linked by well-established traditions and relationships.

Our “Local expert and Italy Ambassador” has the aim to find people that tell their “Italian stories” in the best way in their blogs and to award them with our Charming Certificate. A symbolic prize to tell them “hey, great job!” And to tell other readers “hey, if you love Italy, this blog is a good one!”.
In this third edition of the Charming Certificate (did you miss the first certificate and the second certificate? Check them out!) we suggest you four great blogs dealing with food, the Eternal City and the land of peperoncino…

Italian Food Expert

Italian Food ExpertItalian Food Expert

Italian Food Forever – Chi mangia bene mangia Italiano!
Website: http://www.italianfoodforever.com

Deborah Mele knows hundreds of Italian recipes. How is it possible? She has been cooking for 40 years as well as tasting and learning the customs involved in the Italian culinary culture. Through her 3 blogs, You can not only discover Deborah’s love for Italian food, but you can also “fully experience the joy of Italian cuisine”.

Calabria Expert

Calabria ExpertCalabria Expert

My Bella Vita – Calabria: take the toe by the horns!

Are you looking for Calabrian travel tips, destination highlights, recipes and tales? Here is the awesome blog of Cherrye Moore! She welcomes all of us with her friendly approach and you can’t wait to discover the toe of Italy.

Tuscan Food Expert

Tuscan Food ExpertTuscan Food Expert

Divina Cucina - Everyone should try being Tuscan at least once a day!
Website: http://www.divinacucina.com

Beyond Divina Cucina there is Judy Witts Francini, her recipes and ideas, her style and her smile. From San Francisco to Florence, Judy is today an expert of Tuscan cuisine and offers cooking classes and culinary walking tours.

Rome Expert

Rome ExpertRome Expert

Caput Mundi Cibus - Curious about italian cuisine
Web site: http://www.caputmundicibus.com

John: Made in Sweden, but exported to Italy and now living in Rome. He never stopped to experimenting, creating, tasting, photographing and working in numerous restaurants. In his blog, John shares a lots of curiosities about Italy and a useful “A Chef’s Guide to Rome”.

Do not miss the next part of Local expert/Ambassador Blog Award! If you have a blog and you wish to be considered for our Awards, just send an email to press [at] charmingitaly.com.
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Local Expert: The third Charming Certificate 2013