Jack Frusciante has left the band, by Enrico Brizzi. Best Italian books Jack Frusciante has left the band, by Enrico Brizzi. Best Italian books

Jack Frusciante Has Left the Band is a love story with Rock ‘n’ Roll, a good storyline for an amazing book. It is a best-selling by Enrico Brizzi, one of Italy's most poplar young writers which title name refers to the guitarist of the American alternative rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, who left  the group after some years. It was translated in many different language becoming a cult among teenagers. It takes place in Bologna and Alex is the main character, a musician adolescent who plays punk rock music. What happened was that he fell in a tumultuous first love with Aidi...
Do you know how it will end?

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Jack Frusciante Has Left the Band