Weather in Rome

April 02th 2013 by Jessica
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Wondering when is the best time to visit Rome?

Weather in Rome - The best time to visit Rome - The average weather in romeWeather in Rome - The best time to visit Rome - The average weather in rome

The weather in Rome is a great place to start your planning. Blessed with a truly Mediterranean climate, for most of the year you can't really go wrong with a visit. However, there are subtle differences to the seasons that can make all the difference so that you can enjoy Rome from a day spent shopping to pre-dinner drinks.

Lake Albano, Rome, Lake, Castelgandolfo, SummerLake Albano, Rome, Lake, Castelgandolfo, Summer

From May through August the temperatures heat up, as summer in Rome goes into full swing.
This is when it's handy to keep a water bottle with you and take advantage of the many nasone (drinking fountains) that pour fresh, cool drinking water at all times. Summer is also a great time to explore the many lake and beach towns of Lazio where you can relax on the beach with Romans and enjoy the outdoor restaurants and bars that dot the coastline.  

Temperatures can reach up to 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit), with the sun not setting until close to 9 pm.  If you can't make it out to the beach, visits to Ostia Antica or the Appian Way will let you escape the urban heat without straying too far from the city.

Early September still has the lingering effects of summer, but things do cool down and the crowds begin to lessen in the city as Rome moves toward the Fall.
High temperatures are often still in the 20 degree Celsius (70 degree Fahrenheit) range, making this a pleasant time to visit the city. The same can be said for March and April, though the Easter holiday can make the city more crowded at that time of the year.

Weather in Rome:Rain in Rome. Credits: Jessica StewartWeather in Rome:Rain in Rome. Credits: Jessica Stewart

The coolest, and rainiest times of the year in Rome are November through March.
If the weather in Rome at this time of the year doesn't bother you, it can also be a wonderful time to visit the city without the larger tourist crowds.

Temperatures dip to around 0 degrees Celsius (mid-30 degrees Fahrenheit), with snow a true rarity.  However, rain can be an issue, with November being the wettest month of the year.  With so many great museums to explore and so many restaurants to dine in, there is plenty to do in Rome on rainy days!

If you want to know which is the average weather in Milan, click here

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Weather in Rome